Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Human Body (Male) by Colorforms

A few weekends ago I found this awesome 1970 Colorforms still in tact. The box shows a little age but the booklet and all the pieces were still there. The best part about the set was that it cost me $.25. Here's a crappy cell phone picture of the box (my actual camera was stolen) and a scan of the booklet.

1 comment:

SuchaBettie said...

OH EM GEE! I used to have that! It was my favourite thing to play with next to the Marx Kennedy Space Center Astronaut action figure my parents bought me while we were at the Kennedy Space Center that year.
Not quite the girly-girl fare I was accustomed to playing with but this Colorform set was by far my fave toy! (I remember my parents being quite amused when I informed them I was "patooing my pituitary" whilst playing with the little white endocrine system pieces.)